Industrial Visit to JSW Kalmeshwar Works

On 7th August 2024, the Department of Mechanical Engineering at St Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, organised an industrial visit of twenty-two 7th-semester Mechanical students to JSW Steel Kalmeshwar Works.

JSW Steel Kalmeshwar Works is centrally located 30 km from Nagpur and caters to the requirements of all regions. It has galvanising capabilities to produce higher thickness and higher coating. The Strict adherence to standards of excellence in quality has led to attaining many world-renowned certifications for Kalmeshwar works. JSW Kalmeshwar Works is the first coated steel manufacturing facility in India. It produces galvanised, Galvalume, pre-painted galvanised / galvalume steel.

The visit began with students' safety orientation. Visiting students and staff were provided safety helmets and aprons for the visit. The factory officials accompanied the students to the continuously painted galvanised / galvalume steel line. The students learned about the technical aspects of galvalume steel coating machines and their processes.

The visit ended with a group photo of Factory Officials students and accompanying teachers. The event was coordinated by Mechanical Faculty coordinators Mr Atul Kumar Saxena and Mr Anthony Augustine.

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