Induction of Second-Year Students into Civil Engineering

Sthaapatya, the Association of Civil Engineering Students and the Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) Student Chapter of the Civil Engineering Department at St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur, organised an Induction Program for newly joined second-year Civil Engineering students on July 14, 2024. The objective was to introduce them to the Civil Engineering Department, provide essential academic information and facilitate their transition into the department.

The induction program was structured to include an alumni talk and faculty introduction. The main topics covered were an introduction to the Civil Engineering curriculum and fundamental engineering skills. The program schedule ensured a balanced distribution of information and activities.

Prof. Yogesh S. Lanjewar, the faculty coordinator of the student executive body, gave the welcome address. Alumni from the 2022 graduating batch, Er. Tejas Mahalle, who works as a Quality Control Chemist at UltraTech Cement Ltd. (RMC Division, Amravati), shared insights into Civil Engineering, the challenges faced during online study and working in the cement industry. His talk covered various technical aspects related to cement, concrete, RMC plants, and admixtures, including various tests to be conducted on construction materials.

Dr. Chetan Deshpande, Head of the Civil Engineering Department, commended the initiative and encouraged students to pursue their studies in Civil Engineering. He emphasized the significance of Civil Engineers and their contributions to various professions.

Dr. Abhay Hirekhan, Academic Coordinator, urged students to maintain regular attendance and highlighted the various opportunities available for government jobs. Prof. Ram Kinhikar, Dr.Suyog Dhote and Prof. Kusum Balani also shared information about their portfolio.

All staff members of the Civil Engineering Department attended the program. Prof. Yogesh S. Lanjewar coordinated the event and served as the Master of Ceremony. Overall, the program was deemed highly effective in introducing students to the field of Civil Engineering and the departmental environment.

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