Expert Lecture on Building a Career in Product Centric Global Companies using AI

The expert lecture on "Building a Career in Product-Centric Global Companies Using AI" was conducted with the aim of enlightening attendees about career opportunities and growth prospects in companies with a strong emphasis on products driven by AI technologies. Industry expert Mr. Rajesh Pofale, Founder & CEO of Claim Genius, shared his career journey and articulated the key strategies and skills required to succeed in such environments provided  audience with invaluable guidance as they embark on their career journeys. The lecture provided insights into navigating the complexities of product-centric organizations in the age of artificial intelligence.

The Lecture was followed by MoU signing ceremony in the Director’s cabin, MoU was signed for project, internship and placements. Mr. Rajesh Pofale along with HR Manager Mr. Mr. Amit Prayagi visited SAE India Collegiate Club at Institute where students showcased the different models that they have built for various competitions.

Event was organized by Department of Computer Engineering for Third Year and Second Year students of CE, IT, CSE(DS), AI, CSE(CS), ME total of 300+ students got benefited by this event.

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