A guest lecture on Mathematical Modeling

The department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities had organised a guest lecture on “Mathematical Modeling”, for students of the B.Tech, Second Semester(Artificial Intelligence) on February 9, 2024.

Dr. Seema Raut, associated with Dream IQAC, delivered an engaging and informative session in which she focused on the pivotal role of converting real-life problems into mathematical equations for streamlined analysis and practical solution implementation.

Dr. Raut adeptly elucidated the concept of mathematical modeling as a powerful tool, demonstrating its application through the lens of pandemics, particularly the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The discussion revolved around the systematic process of identifying relevant variables, formulating equations, estimating parameters, and solving equations, showcasing the applicability of mathematical techniques in diverse scenarios.

Real-life applications of differential equations were emphasized, with examples such as the SIR and SEIR models extensively used in epidemiology to understand infectious disease dynamics. Dr. Raut also highlighted the integration of mathematical modeling with artificial intelligence, showcasing its role as a backbone for various AI algorithms across different domains.

Furthermore, the lecture touched upon software tools like MATLAB, Simulink, and Python with NumPy and SciPy, providing students with valuable insights into practical tools for mathematical modeling. The application of mathematical modeling in pandemic events, including COVID-19, was discussed, showcasing its relevance in forecasting, assessing interventions, and guiding public health policies.

In conclusion, Dr. Seema Raut's guest lecture underscored the interdisciplinary nature of mathematical modeling, leaving the students with a deeper appreciation of its significance in addressing real-world challenges.

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