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Parent Teacher Interaction
The Department of Information Technology had organized a Parent Teacher Interaction (PTI) on 17th December 2022 from 9.00am to 12.00 pm for the parents of 5th and 7th semester students.
Dr. M.V. Bramhe, HOD-IT welcomed the parents and initiated the interaction by presenting Institute and Department initiatives. A felicitation ceremony for the students was organized to highlight and appreciate their participation in various activities. All the parents interacted with faculty members about their wards academic and overall progress. Parents also visited department classrooms and laboratories and appreciated the Augmented and Virtual reality Laboratory where they could practically experience the AR and VR world. Total headcount of parents was 50. A feedback form was collected from parents and refreshments were provided to all.
The Parent Teacher Interaction was coordinated by Prof. P. C. Golar and Prof. V. G. Bhowate.