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Parent Teacher Interaction

The Department of Computer Engineering had organized Parent Teacher Interaction on 17th December 2022 from 10.00 AM to 1:00 PM for the parents of 5th and 7th semester students. Total 31 Parents ( Head count 48) attended the Interaction.
Dr. S. M. Wanjari, Head, Computer Engineering presented the highlights of the College and the department. He also briefed parents about the activities and achievements of the department, the internship opportunities, project and placement opportunities in private and public sector. The departmental e-newsletter was also unveiled during the interaction which showcases all departmental activities and talent.
Parents were interactive and discussed about exams, research opportunities, fee payment, internship and placement opportunities. Parents suggested to organize more skill development related activities for the students and expressed their gratitude towards the department and the faculty members for organizing the parent teacher interaction and providing them a platform to raise their issues.