
The department of Electronics and Telecommunication had organized Festronix' 22 on 18th November 2022. Fr. Siju Jose, Financial Administrator, Prof. R.B Gowardhan, Institute Mentor, Dr. Ashutosh Werulkar, Head of Department, faculty members and all the participants were present at the inauguration ceremony. The event was launched by activating the launch button after which, “Electronova”, the departmental Magazine, issue 5 was released. Ms.Ayushi Mankar welcomed everyone to the event, Mr. Ashwadip Zilpe, briefed everyone about Festronix’ 22 and Mr. Vedant Duragkar proposed the formal vote of thanks.

In all 6 events were conducted under Festronix’22, namely Electro mystry, Electro rhythm, Electro frenzy, Quest of the Black pearl, Beyond the tanks and Play paradox.

The magazine was edited by Ms. Harshita Humane, under the guidance of Prof. Madhura Kulkarni, faculty coordinator and  Mr. Ankit Kriti, student mentor.

The event was successfully organized under the able leadership of Dr. A.S.Werulkar, HoD ETC and Dr. Harish Rajurkar, faculty coordinator.

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