Industrial visit to MSRTC Central Workshop, MIDC Hingna, Nagpur

The department of Mechanical Engineering had organized a visit to MSRTC central workshop, MIDC Hingna, Nagpur, 20th August, 2022. 27 Students of 7th semester studying Automobile Engineering visited the workshop under the supervision of Dr. Brijendra Singh Bhaskar.

MSRTC central workshop is a public sector enterprise of the Maharashtra State Road Transport Department. Ms. Tiwari, Workshop Superintendent guided the students during visit.

In the Engine section the students got acquainted with different machining processes, engine maintenance, engine testing, maintenance processes such as boring, honing grinding, engine assembly and dis-assembly, different pumps, also Rotary and Inline used in MSRTC bus engines.

In the coach section students acquired knowledge of the various stages of coach fabrication, materials used for the coach like Mild Steel and Aluminum, process of fixing frame on chassis, fabrication of Coach on the frame, painting of bus and electrical section etc.

The visit was helpful for the students to understand detailed working of the different components of I. C. Engine and processes involved in coach building for MSRTC buses.

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