Guest Lecture on Blockchain & DevOps

The Department of Information Technology had organized a guest session on “Blockchain & DevOps” on 7th October.

Mr.Rathod, CEO and founder of was invited as the guest speaker. He explained blockchain as a type of shared database that differs from a typical database because of the way it stores information.  Blockchains store data in blocks that are then linked together via cryptography.

He discussed the reliability of Public blockchain platforms as they provide guarantee with untrusted users as well. The popularity of BLockchain was discussed as they are being used in Cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin, Ethereum, etc. It is also being used in various areas such as time stamping, logging of critical events in a system, recording of transactions, trustworthy e-governance, etc.

Other research fields related to Blockchain like decentralized public key infrastructure, self-sovereign identity management, registry maintenance, health record management, decentralized authentication, decentralized DNS, etc were also discussed.

Corporations like IBM, Microsoft, DevOps, AWS, Azure are enabling Blockchain platforms on the cloud to be used in diverse fields, hence new courses on Blockchain Technology are being launched.

Mr. Rathod also spoke on ganache tool & web3 install-code python library. All the students were cooperative throughout the event and the activity was conducted successfully by Prof. Pooja Walke.

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