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Guest Lecture on ‘Steel Structure: A Limit State Approach’
The Department of Civil Engineering had organized a guest lecture on 5th March 2022 for the students of third and fourth year.
Dr. L. M. Gupta, Professor & Head, Applied Mechanics Department, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur was invited as the resource person. Sir spoke on the topic, ‘Steel Structure: A Limit State Approach’.
In his insightful address Dr. L.M. Gupta spoke about the basics of Steel, its manufacturing process, its formation and contents. He explained to the students about various types, forms and shapes of steel structure and the methods available for its designing.
Students found the session engrossing, insightful and informative. A question-answer session was conducted at the end of the program. The program was coordinated by faculty members of the Civil Engineering Department.