"Internet of Things" A Faculty Development Program.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering had organized a one-week online Faculty Development Program on "Internet of Things" from 6th Dec – 11th Dec, 2021, in association with E&ICT Academy IIT, Guwahati and Uniconverge Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Dignitaries, E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati, Fr. Paul, Director SVPCET, Dr. Surendra Gole, Principal, SVPCET and Dr. Ashutosh Werulkar, HOD, E&TC were present at the Inauguration on 6th Dec 2021.

Mr. Kaushlendra Singh Sisodia, cofounder, IoT Academy graced the occasion as an expert.  He has 20+ years Industry experience and has played various key roles in Ericsson AB (Sweden), ST Microelectronics and other MNCs.

Mr. Jitesh Kumar, Sr. IoT Engineer, UniConverge Technologies Pvt. Ltd., was also invited as a resource person.

The highlight was the topics that were discussed at the FDP.  Topics like IOT applications in different domains, Introduction to IOT hardware Platforms, Introduction to Arduino, Introduction to Nodemcu, Communication protocols (SPI, I2C, UART), Introduction to IOT development board Session, LPWAN, NBIOT, LTE-M d. OSI/TCP model, IOT protocols-MQTT, COAP, HTTP, Machine Learning, Machine learning for IoT, Machine Learning for Embedded devices etc. were covered.

111 faculties participated in the FDP from all over India and the Valedictory Function was held on 5th Dec 2021 at 3.30 pm.

The FDP was coordinated by Dr. Hema Kale & Mr. Amol Pardhi with support of Dr.A.S. Werulkar, Asso. Prof. & Head, E&TC. 

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